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[Summarized by AI](https://app.sparkmailapp.com/web-share/4TOJnC-NKZjZjUBg3ZJlRux1rowWI3CYmLQDguo0):

"David Blue reflects on his failed media projects, starting with his first attempt at launching an online magazine called Inmunis. He admits to having little knowledge of digital publishing at the time and being delusional about his own abilities. He credits his podcast, Drycast, for saving his life during a traumatic event in 2015. Blue discusses his fascination with journalism and the rationality it brings to his life. He also reflects on his self-perception as weird and the challenges it presents. He created Extratone as a means to minimize his biases and bitterness and surround himself with young, talented individuals. Blue believes Extratone is the best way for him to improve himself and achieve his optimal function in the world. He shares his mantra, "Scribam quid non legerim," which translates to "I will write what I have not read." Blue concludes by expressing his sincere commitment to his work and its potential impact. The email serves as a reflection on Blue's journey in media and his aspirations for the future."

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